カテゴリーホビー楽器アート美術品アンティークコレクションアンティーク雑貨ブランドクタニヤキ商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし配送料の負担着払い購入者負担配送の方法未定発送元の地域栃 お客様のご要望を理解しておりますので、ご入金確認後、できるだけ早く商品がお手元に届くよう、直ちに発送手配をさせていただきます。
This is a set of 5 Kutani-yaki sake bottles and 10 sake cups.
Kutani-yaki refers to ceramics made in the southern part of Ishikawa Prefecture. Known for its beautiful decoration with bold "overglaze painting" featuring landscapes, flowers, and birds, Kutani-yaki is widely cherished not only as plates and bowls but also as decorative items. The style of Kutani-yaki has evolved over time, with various distinctive painting styles such as "Ao-Kutani" (blue Kutani), which does not use red, and "Aka-Kutani" (red Kutani) with red painting and gold accents.
This item is "Aka-Kutani" and features a poem from the Noh play "Kumano," which praises the beautiful scenery of spring with the verse.
You can enjoy it with chilled sake or warm sake, depending on the season, and share it with family and friends.
While there are no chips or cracks, please note that this is a vintage item from around 1950. The fine surface cracks are a characteristic pattern of Kutani-yaki and are not a concern.
Exchange アプリケーションでは、当社から間に合うように連絡できるように、有効な連絡先情報を提供する必要があります。
Blue Microphones Blue Yeti X フラグシップマイクエレキギター 青 (ケース、アンプ、説明書、ヘッドフォン、ケーブル、ピック等付)中国陶芸中国の有名 人物画 陶器 直径約43cm大飾り皿ギター G.LAB プログラマブル スイッチングシステム パワーサプライゴッホイーブイ キャンバスアート 金枠 Sサイズ45×35cm ゴッホピカチュウ